Saturday, February 2, 2008

African documentaries and documentaries about Africa...

It is hard to establish what is and is not actually an African documentary film. I believe that if the film is made by an African then it is an African documentary. This is also the case if a narrative film is made by an African. If it is made by an African filmmaker then it is an African film regardless of what the content is. If an American makes a documentary about Africa then it makes sense to call it an American film about Africa. Now of course any documentary about Africa regardless of who makes it can be thought of as an African film. I would just call a film about Africa. The content of the film or what the film is about is a completely different category from what who made the film.
It starts to get really complicated if you ask whether or not the film is African depending on how it represents Africa. A film about Africa that is made by an African may represent Africa untruly if they are trying to make a propaganda type film. They may want people to see things a certain way which are not necessarily true. It also works the other way because a filmmaker from another country could portray Africa just as it is to the African people.
I will break it down now because I am almost starting to loose myself. What I am basically saying is that there are two major categories that a film fits into. It can be categorized by who made it or what it is about. Now whether or not the content is accurate it does not matter based on these two categories. However, I do not want to sound like I do not care how a subject is presented so I will end with this. I believe that it is the responsibility of the filmmaker to represent a person or a culture accurately as best they can. They must research as much as they can and try very hard to not fall into biases and stereotypes.

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